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About  Me

I love all things flute!

That probably doesn't surprise you (after all, I teach flute, right?) but it's true!

I grew up in a tiny town in rural South Dakota, and when I started band in the 5th grade, I was ter-ri-ble!  I struggled with a poor instrument and not enough one-on-one attention.  Luckily, my band director was also a flute player and I was able to take private lessons with her outside of the school day.  While that worked for me, not everyone has that option.  In my tiny rural town, “fluting” opportunities were far and few between, but I took advantage of every opportunity that came my way.  I auditioned for every honor band/orchestra, and attended every music camp I could find a way to get to!  I ended up auditioning for and making it into both All-State Band and All-State Choir which was a HUGE deal for my tiny town.


After high school, I moved on to college where I performed in pretty much every type of ensemble available to me.  Participating in college ensembles was a-maz-ing!  It was in college that I discovered how big the flute world really is and how many opportunities there are!


I spent the next 14 years teaching band which I enjoyed, but didn’t love.  I really missed focusing my energy on the flute!  It was at that point that I decided to leave the public schools and work on educating young musicians on all things flute!  As a licensed educator, I have the added benefit of knowing the inner workings of instrumental music in Idaho.


In my spare time, I enjoy photography, traveling the world, playing in Curling Bonspiels (tournaments), and spending time with my husband Phil, daughter Astrid, and our Bichon Frise Thora.


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